

Child labor & trafficking in Burkina Faso
Child labor and child trafficking continue to be a widespread violation of children's rights in this multiple crisis country. Women and young people are particularly affected by serious discrimination and human rights violations. Almost half of boys and around a third of girls between the ages of five and 14 are victims of child labor in Burkina Faso. The worst forms occur in artisanal gold mining. Around 35 percent of all workers there are children (49 percent girls, 51 percent boys). In the neighboring state of Côte d'Ivoire alone, more than 60,000 Burkinabe children under the age of 15, the majority of them boys, work to earn money. Many children work under inhumane conditions and are also exposed to sexual exploitation. Only about half of all boys and girls have the opportunity to go to school.

In this system, the child is degraded to a commodity or an object of exchange. Partly out of ignorance and naivety of the circumstances that await the child, but partly also because they derive certain benefits from it, the family releases them from their care and allows a clandestine migration that takes them out of the country, often without travel documents or work permits abroad. The underage workers are mainly used there for painstaking field work and in domestic and commercial work, where they are not protected by any labor legislation. As they live in complete dependence, their activity can be described as forced labor. In most cases, contact with the family of origin is severed for a long time or even forever. The main reason for parents selling or even giving away their children is probably the extremely poor living conditions in West Africa. There is a constant shortage of food and poverty, so it is a relief for the parents if there is one less "eater" at the table. Normal school attendance is rarely affordable due to the family's lack of income. This is where we come in with an innovative crowdfunding concept and a virtual bus marketing strategy.

Our approach to remedy the situation
1) Secure a sustainable family income. Food security and a sufficient family income are important prerequisites for the healthy development of girls and boys.

2) Seek & find sponsors for sponsorships. With €25/month, co-sponsorships are sought & arranged that permanently change the life of an African child for the better!

Well-educated young people strengthen the economy & communities of their home country. By taking on a sponsorship, you cover the education costs for your personal sponsored child! Our project is registered with the district administration office in Kwale County. Donation receipts available. Any questions? Mail contact Fairsource@gmx.net.

Best regards & Happy Eastertime

Child labor & trafficking in Burkina Faso Child labor and child trafficking continue to be a widespread violation of children's rights in this multiple crisis country. Women and young people are particularly affected by serious discrimination and human rights violations. Almost half of boys and around a third of girls between the ages of five and 14 are victims of child labor in Burkina Faso. The worst forms occur in artisanal gold mining. Around 35 percent of all workers there are children (49 percent girls, 51 percent boys). In the neighboring state of Côte d'Ivoire alone, more than 60,000 Burkinabe children under the age of 15, the majority of them boys, work to earn money. Many children work under inhumane conditions and are also exposed to sexual exploitation. Only about half of all boys and girls have the opportunity to go to school. In this system, the child is degraded to a commodity or an object of exchange. Partly out of ignorance and naivety of the circumstances that await the child, but partly also because they derive certain benefits from it, the family releases them from their care and allows a clandestine migration that takes them out of the country, often without travel documents or work permits abroad. The underage workers are mainly used there for painstaking field work and in domestic and commercial work, where they are not protected by any labor legislation. As they live in complete dependence, their activity can be described as forced labor. In most cases, contact with the family of origin is severed for a long time or even forever. The main reason for parents selling or even giving away their children is probably the extremely poor living conditions in West Africa. There is a constant shortage of food and poverty, so it is a relief for the parents if there is one less "eater" at the table. Normal school attendance is rarely affordable due to the family's lack of income. This is where we come in with an innovative crowdfunding concept and a virtual bus marketing strategy. Our approach to remedy the situation 1) Secure a sustainable family income. Food security and a sufficient family income are important prerequisites for the healthy development of girls and boys. 2) Seek & find sponsors for sponsorships. With €25/month, co-sponsorships are sought & arranged that permanently change the life of an African child for the better! Well-educated young people strengthen the economy & communities of their home country. By taking on a sponsorship, you cover the education costs for your personal sponsored child! Our project is registered with the district administration office in Kwale County. Donation receipts available. Any questions? Mail contact Fairsource@gmx.net. Best regards & Happy Eastertime Siggy
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